Clear Creek Friends Meeting
The Quakers



The Clear Creek Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends welcomes you to worship with us.  We trust that you may find here a source of help and strength, just as your presence will strengthen us.  After meeting do not hurry away, but stay awhile and mingle with us. For those who may be less familiar with Quakerism, we present the following explanations:

The center of life of our Society is in the Meeting for Worship.  For this, we come together at an appointed time in the quiet Meetinghouse, without a clergyman, or order of service, or offering, sitting where we wish in reverent silence.

This silence is not an end in itself.  It is an opportunity to be used.  To feel its power we must put into it an eagerness to know God better and to feel God’s Presence, to surrender our selfish wills and to bring ourselves into a sense of oneness with God.

Along with this quietness of the soul comes a sense of direction in daily life. The silence is broken occasionally when a worshiper feels a desire to share with the Meeting a message arising from the depth of the soul.  The message may take the form of a scripture, spoken message, or vocal prayer or music.

Friends believe “that of God in everyone person” means, not merely our individual spiritual potentialities, but the awareness that we are all part of something greater than ourselves.  This divine spirit within us, strengthened by common worship, makes the Meeting for Worship our deepest expression of group experience.

Friends feel that their simple mode of worship helps all to receive a degree of understanding of God’s will as interpreted by the Divine Light of Christ.

A Friends’ Meeting is open to all.  Please feel free to ask questions of any of us. While we welcome membership, it is not essential for participation.  But if you feel it might meet a need in your life do not hesitate to ask about membership.